OKAY! So about 70% of you voted yes on the revealing of the secret animation and it isss...
I directly took the comic book, took pictures of ALL the boxed and dialogue, and was able to use paint to animate the mouths moving, remove the bubbles, and move some stuff. Look below for a direct example of my handy work for this animation. Its really good so far.
Batman Dark Avenger episode 2 is in the works! We are hoping to start filming soon! We pray it meets the standards of the first episode. It might take a bit to make because school is a major damper on the "J.W.B. Schedule"
The Spiderman series will start up again next spring. We want to sandman episode to take place outside, and sand and snow DO NOT mix, so we are waiting till after winter.
And, once part 1 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is done, i will make a preview and put up a new poll asking if you want it uploaded or not. If not, than the whole thing disapears and the preview is gone and you never have to hear of it again, so those of you who dont want it, that'll be good for you, if not vote when the previews out!!