Thursday, July 2, 2009


Okay everyone, theres a big change coming to J.W.B. Studios. Spider-Man, the stop-motion series is currently cancelled. There MAY be a finale Movie of it in the works involving the Sinister Six, BUT it is not official!! TAKING THE PLACE OF THE STOP-MOTION SERIES WILL BE: The Amazing Spiderman Motion Comic Series, which will be THE ORIGINAL comics in their original form animated exactly like the up coming Amazing Fantasy animating which will be considered the pilot if it is successful. There is an UNOFFICIAL episode name list below, as on the jwbstudios Channel, link above. ALSO there is a POLL!!! VOTE ON IT! We NEED your opinions on this. It will be out until a week after Amazing Fantasy is released, which is DAYS away. Thanks so much for all of your support, keep subscribing, and enjoy.

P.S. Old J.W.B. animations that got taken down will be re-uploaded in the coming weeks with fixed music!!

The Amazing Spider-Man Motion Comic Series

Season One Episode Titles:

-Amazing Fantasy #15 (Pilot/beginnning of series movie)

1. The Chameleon Strikes!

2. Duel to the Death with the Vulture!

3. The Uncanny Threat of the Terrible Tinkerer!

4. The Strangest Foe of All Time: Doctor Octopus!

5. The Strangest Foe of All Time: Doctor Octopus! (Part 2/Finale)

So Vote, send me messages, comment my channel, ANYTHING to give me YOUR opinion!!!
